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شركة "إس إم إن باور القابضة تحصل على المركز سابع عشر بين عشرين ضمن أفضل شركات OER لعام 2016

SMN Power Holding SAOG ranks 17th in the OER Top 20 for 2016

The OER Top 20 Awards celebrate the excellence in Oman's corporate world. Modelled on the Fortune 500, the OER Top 20 is Oman Economic Review's annual ranking of the Sultanate's Top 20 listed companies.

Companies have been evaluated and ranked on the basis of their revenue, as derived from the published accounts submitted to the Muscat Securities Market. The rankings for the OER Top 20 is done by Mr. Mukhtar Hasan who is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales and holds a corporate finance qualification; and the numbers and rankings for OER Top 20 are verified by KPMG Oman.

The awards ceremony was held on May 24, 2017.

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